Memory of an Event I (Dear Honorine / Dearest Signe)

audio installation at two locations. 2016

The responding letter (dated 20 August, 1956) located at the dairy/Rosenhane at Fogelstad: chair and desk from The Women Citizen’s School at Fogelstad placed by a window facing Bie, audio 11 min, reader Annika Ruth Persson, on the desk are head phones, instructions to face Bie while listening, and a folder with references to read after listening. Language: Swedish

Fogelstad, 20 augusti -56

Käraste Signe,

Vilken överraskning att få ett brev av dig efter alla år. Låt mig först och främst beklaga din mammas bortgång. Jag vill också innerligt tacka dig för fotografierna och dina vittnesmål. Jag ska ta hand om dem så gott jag förmår. /.../


below: The space (normally used as storage) of the audio installation is situated around the corner from the permanent exhibition about The Women Citizen’s School at Fogelstad organized by Kulturföreningen Fogelstad, with a separate entrance. To reach the installation visitors pass a ramshackle staircase leading up the the attic of the building where parties and lectures took place during the school’s existence.

The model of the church was made during the 1990’s as a prop in a play about the school and symbolizes the church in the fictitious municipality “Komtemåtta” that functioned as a pedagogical tool for role playing at the school. In the space there was a wooden box, according to its label used for transporting books to “Principal Honorine Hermelin” from a book printer (without date).